Holy Family Catholic Church is located in Marietta, Georgia. Holy Family is a welcoming community of Faith, united in our diversity, rooted in Scripture and Roman Catholic Tradition. Guided by the Holy Spirit, nurtured by the Sacraments, and inspired by the Holy Family, we commit ourselves to Growing the Family of God by learning, living and sharing God's Word. We love and serve the Lord by serving one another.
From I-75. Take Exit #261 -- Delk Rd. Go east on Delk Rd. for approx. 3.5 miles; continue straight without making any turns. Delk Rd. changes (after the Powers Ferry Rd. intersection) to Terrell Mill Rd. This same road changes again to Lower Roswell Rd. Continue on this road eastbound.
From this point Holy Family is about 1/2 mile on the left after the Old Canton Rd. intersection. Look for the Holy Family sign; you can not see the Church from the road.