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#iGiveCatholic 2019

Have you ever been to a playground when it is just too hot and miserable to stay for more than a few minutes? You know, when the slide is too hot, and before you get out of the car your child is already dripping in sweat, not to mention you? Our preschool aims to provide 30 minutes of outdoor play daily for each of its 100+ students. Outdoor play contributes to cognitive and emotional development, improves sensory skills, increases attention spans, encourages healthy physical activity AND children who get to play outdoors are happier and healthier as researched by Stanford Health.

The swings and the majority of the playground at Holy Family get direct sunlight 100% of the day. On the hottest of days our children and staff stay indoors or shift play to the small areas of shade to avoid sunburn, dehydration, and other effects of the sweltering Georgia heat. With your help and generosity we can further healthy child development, and offer a safe place to play outdoors with reprieve from the sun. Our first goal is to build a sunshade over the swings, which happens to be one of our children's favorite activities! We need to raise $6,000 to cover this Phase One Goal. Our Phase Two Goal is to build a sunshade over the smaller playground (pictured below). We need to raise about $12,000 in total to bring this needed improvement to our wonderful playground space!

Won't you join us in promoting healthy kids by providing shelter from the swelter?

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