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August Ministry Meet & Greet Recap

A huge thank you to our Parish Council for hosting this past weekend’s Ministry Meet and Greet, and to our excellent ministry leaders who participated. Here is a list and contact information in case you were not able to attend:

  • Adoration -Barbara Virostek,, 770-378-4422. Adoration is from 9:30am Monday through 9:00am Saturday. Come spend an hour with God.

  • Adult Choir - Brian Cray,, 919-673-8969. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 9am in the choir room.

  • Altar Guild - Karen Gust,, 770-649-0745. This Committee maintains all linens used during Mass.

  • Cub Scouts - Joshua Carstens, Open house this Sunday, August 24th, 2-4pm in the parish center.

  • Gabriel’s Angels - Jim Moylan, Our volunteers, “Angels”, assist parishioners who are homebound or need help with errands, shopping, transportation and visitation.

  • Girl Scouts -Lena Carstens,

  • Habitat for Humanity - Jim Nee, We are an ecumenical Christian housing ministry, seeking to eliminate poverty housing and to make decent shelter for families.

  • Knights of Columbus - Bruce Roeder Grand Knight, The Knights of Holy Family Council 9792 are a Catholic, fraternal, family service organization dedicated to the principals of the order: charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.

  • Pro-Life - Mary Kaido,, 404-245-9429. Our Pro Life group works to help protect the right to life of all, from conception to natural death.

  • RCIA- The Rite of Christian Initiation is the process used by people who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. Classes start in September, please contact Fr. Junot at for information.

  • St. Vincent de Paul - Phil Mooney,, 770-973-7400. Our mission is to deepen our relationship with God, by serving our neighbor. All money and items donated goes for direct aid to the people we serve. Our food pantry is another way that parishioners can show their support.

Some new committees you may consider….

  • Bereavement Committee - Volunteers are needed to help set up for funeral receptions, greet loved ones with a warm smile as they enter our Church and pass out programs.

  • Sanctuary Décor Team - Men and women needed to help transform our church for feast days, holidays and other celebrations throughout the liturgical year.

  • Mass Greeters - Include men, women and teens who volunteer at a Mass of their choice, to greet all who attend, answer questions and ensure that all feel welcomed and special.

  • Grounds Shepherds - Parish volunteers are needed for weeding, planting, and raking throughout the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Experience is not needed, but plants respond well to a smile. In addition to ongoing garden care, there are also two planned cleanup weekends: one in the spring and one in the fall.

  • Fall Fest - Our annual family friendly event, October 6, 2019! Many places to volunteer—see Narthex for sign-up sheets!

  • Hospitality Committee - An event planners dream! This committee provides receptions for parish celebrations and important events, such as First Communion, Confirmation.

  • Mass Greeters - Include men, women and teens who volunteer a Mass of their choice, to greet all who attend, answer questions and ensure that all feel welcomed and special.

Please contact Anyce Craig, at for information about any of these committees.

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