Holy Family Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus will be joining with Eastside Baptist Church on a cleanup project sponsored by the Cobb County Police Department under the direction of our Officer Nathalie Jegg.
The goal is to spend one Saturday morning cleaning up the grounds of a low-income housing project in our parish. The date for the project is April 28th at Tall Pines Apartments at the end of Gresham Road near the Marietta Driving Range. We will start at 9:30 a.m. and will end around noon or 12:30. Eastside Baptist Church will feed everyone a hot dog lunch afterward. Keep Cobb Beautiful will lend us vests and pick-up sticks and garbage bags. We will also have a chipper from Cobb County to take care of downed branches from the winter snow storms we had. We will have several police officers for security.
There are many children and families in this complex who would greatly benefit from a cleaner, safer environment. If you can volunteer your time please contact me at the email below or Holy Family at
770-973-0038 to sign up. rbcavallo@hotmail.com